Weight Loss Pills vs Natural Weight Loss With Diet & Exercise.

Weight Loss Pills vs Natural Weight Loss with diet and exercise.

The important thing is that weight loss pills do not have to do with natural weight loss. Many of these pills cause weight loss but rapid weight loss can be caused by dehydration.

Many weight loss products are diuretics and have a negative effect on dehydration. It is also common for weight loss pills, such as ephedrine and caffeine, to overwhelm you and cause you to forget to eat and drink. The same goes for a food additive called hoodia. Although hoodia is a herbal remedy it is still a powerful diuretic that causes you to lose water instead of pounds.

The problem is that even herbs that are considered natural are not as healthy for you. Many herbs have serious side effects, including dehydration, isolation, diarrhea, and constipation.


If you decide to take a diuretic herbal weight loss route make sure you drink water before, during and after every exercise and especially if you plan to exercise strenuously. Ten to fourteen ounces a day is the recommended fluid dose before performing any type of athletic activity. This is important in order to avoid any post-workout fatigue.

If you are taking weight loss pills you need to drink plenty of water. You are well advised to try to take half of your body weight in water by ounces a day. So if you weigh 180 pounds you should drink at least 90 ounces of water every day. This is about the same as drinking eight to ten bottles a day. This helps weight loss pills break down fat cells and detoxify your body. It can also help reduce the side effects of any non-natural pills.

Even if you don't feel thirsty you should drink hard because some of these ingredients put you in an old isolation state that you just forget to do good for yourself. You will not only see your dry mouth or you will feel stupid and you will feel like you have supernatural powers and you will not need food or water.

If you have to drink a sports drink or diluted fruit juice to get enough water inside you rather than do it. Do whatever you can to encourage your body to drink enough water to prevent dehydration caused by dehydration.