Developed by a certified clinical hypnotherapist, this program taps on the “set-point theory”, and rewires our subconscious minds to let it help us to lose weight.

WHAT IS 15 Minute Weight Loss?

What is the difference between a fat person and someone who can eat whatever they want and still stay thin?

15 Minute Weight Loss takes a unique approach to weight loss by identifying the critical factor that determines whether or not a person will be successful at losing weight: mindset.

Or more precisely, a "set point" in a person's subconscious.

We believe that if a person does not truly believe in their subconscious mind that they can lose weight, they will never be able to lose the weight they want to. This is why we have so many people who have tried dozens of diet plans or exercise programs, but never reached the weight they wanted. Either that or they'll reach their ideal weight and then bounce back in no time.

Developed by a certified clinical hypnotherapist, this 15 minute weight loss program is a 15 minute daily audio program designed to rewire our subconscious mind so we can lose weight naturally, comfortably and with little or no conscious effort.

The main program consists of 3 audio tracks of 15 minutes each, which are recorded with a layer of subliminal self-hypnosis, over high-quality nature sounds that mix with brainwave beats, for an immersive and enjoyable listening experience.

Users will listen to each song for one week before moving on to the next song, for a total of 21 days. Nothing else needs to be done consciously. So it is a really easy weight loss program.

Users may experience deep relaxation or in some cases sleepiness when listening to the tracks. Therefore, belts MUST NOT be used while driving or operating machinery.

Watch This Video To Know How "15 Minute Weight Loss" Work -

Watch This Video To Know How "15 Minute Weight Loss" Work -


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